...I tend to update my blog.
Hey, guys. I fell off the face of the Earth other than Facebook updates for a very long time, and I'm sorry.
It's been a very busy time for me. I've been doing stuff almost every weekend, and when I'm not actually doing things I'm generally too tired to do very much at all.
However, I seem to be on an upswing of activity, so hooray!
I'm more than halfway through my year here - yikes. The idea of going back to the US and facing real life is scary and daunting and I don't even want to think about it yet. My area back home is beginning to be sort of hipsterfied, and I get the feeling that by the time I return, it'll be too expensive for me to even live there. Kind of funny, I guess. In an unfunny kind of way.
I've been getting a lot of reading done! If any of you keep watch on my Goodreads account ever (though why would you?) you would know I was trying the Goodreads book challenge. I'm at 29 books out of 50 - maybe I should've promised to read even more this year? I'm 7 books ahead of schedule. I finally got the chance to read the Immortals Quartet, the only Tortall series I hadn't actually read (and everyone else's favorite, I guess.) I liked it, but still not as much as the Beka Cooper books or the Trickster books. However, now I'm all set for her Numair series, so there's that.
I'm absolutely jonesing for the new Scott Lynch to come out. That's not till the fall - and with no ETA on the third Kingkiller Saga book or, of course, The Winds of Winter, I am dying of impatience. I just want everything right now! At least I get The Broken Eye in August. I think a new Rob Thurman comes out aroundabouts then too? And there's new Robin Hobb in August too! Augh! I can't handle the wait for these books!
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