Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Good lord, January is almost over.

This whole month has been literally nonstop. With Dan settled into Ulsan I've spent my weekends pretty much there without internet, and my weeks have been a whirlwind of trying to catch up on sleep and being worked pretty much nonstop.

There was a really interesting period of a few days where I lost my bank card somewhere on Friday and subsequently lost access to my bank account. Fun fact about Korean banks: none of the ones I know about are open on weekends. Seeing as how I speak almost no Korean and had no way to cancel my card, I spent a terrifying 48 hours wondering if I was going to start getting text message notices of withdrawals from my account. I didn't, but something equally just as fun happened. I had gone to Ulsan, since the alternative was crying around my room about how I couldn't find my card, and managed to lose the purse I've had since junior prom - complete with the 150,000 won I'd taken out to last me until I could get to the bank on Monday.

My life, right guys?

But I got a new card, and teaching has clearly been not so bad. I've been doubly busy because of our winter classes, which tacked on two more classes a week for me that I basically had to figure out curriculum for all on my own in lieu of using the super boring book they gave us. (I hope I did alright?) I have four more classes of THAT in two weeks, which wouldn't be bad at all, I like the class, but it's going to be me working 9 hours straight twice a week for half a month. It's starting to feel a little bit like Starbucks hours. But at least it's more fun.

I've been planning to post for like two weeks now, but things keep coming up. More prep work, more classes, what little time I do get spent cleaning or eating or sleeping. But! This past week has been pretty fun, because after a whole month of me visiting Dan, Dan actually got to visit me! He's going skiing this weekend so we got in some much-needed time while HE was on vacation, at least. Like usual, we spent most of it eating. I actually finally got to cook! The recipe I ended up choosing was this one. It doesn't look like much, but it was delicious. If I can get a microwave I'd totally make it again to reheat later on. Finding the ingredients was a little crazy, though!

I did get to make him breakfast though, and for the first time EVER i got to make a weeniepus!

We ate out, a lot. Dak Galbi Saturday night downtown, and on Dan's last night here we got burgers and fries at the pub up the street. (Excuse the filter, the place was so dimly lit you'd think Gollum was lurking in the corners - though I mean that affectionately, it was a great place and we'll probably be back.)

I'm already on the lookout for places to go to next. The downtown area has a place that caught my eye, being the girly dork that I am. I don't really know what this place is but it looks adorable. Now to just trick Dan into going with me...

So the answer is, I've been around, doing a lot. I haven't forgotten any of you! It's impossible, not when every once in a while I see something that reminds me of home. 

Sort of.


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