Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

안녕하세요, gals and ghouls! What scary things happened to you this week?

I'm back from Pennsylvania, and in 7 days and 11 hours I'll be on a plane on my way to Seoul. This year has gone by so fast! That's pretty scary, in my opinion.

Also scary? Going on a hike and almost running my face into this guy. He was just dangling there in the middle of the trail - it didn't even look like he was connected to anything. I almost passed out right in front of Dan, who kept sticking his face up close to it. I couldn't even zoom in on the picture because any time it looked like it was coming close to me I got woozy! I can't handle that. I noped out of there pretty hard and it kept me nervous for the rest of the day like a big huge arachnophobic baby.

It was a gorgeous day though and we're so lucky we went out when we did. The next two days were so gray and gloomy and it's even pouring right now outside - which makes it a good thing I'm sitting in here blogging and not getting dressed up to go out and party. I'm probably going out the next couple nights ($$$) and then need to go to Target and buy the rest of my miscellaneous Korean needs ($$$$) and then of course need to actually feed myself for the next month on no job/paycheck. ($$$$$) Good thing I left my job, right?

I digress. My point is it was a beautiful day and I'm slowly figuring out this new camera. Panoramics? A thing. 

The future is now, my friends, and is autumnal.
Today is my last Halloween in the states, you know? I had wanted to go down to the city, but I spent most of it with the darling boy in's not all that bad, especially when our final brunch together was perfectly in the holiday spirit. Pumpkin spice coffee AND pumpkin spice pancakes - I swear I've put on ten lbs since I left here three days ago and I can't even be angry about it.

This is his "I didn't walk all this way for
you to lie on a rock and take selfies" face.
Believe it or not, this stretch between getting to see Dan in South Korea and now might be the longest we've gone without seeing each other in four years. That's pretty crazy, especially for long distance. I'm gonna miss him. 

I wanted to show you guys some old Halloween costumes, in the spirit of things. But the photos all disappeared from the fridge. HOW SPOOKY AND COINCIDENTAL. What are you this year? What were you ten years ago? I'm always curious to know - I feel like everyone is always more creative than me!*

Since there're no costumes, how about some spooky tunes instead?



Except this one year when it was a bible themed party and I still stand by my WASP costume as being the most hilarious costume that went over everyone's heads. I still have the striped leggings.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god... WASP costume. I love it I love it I love it.

    Ah, can't believe you're leaving so soon! I'm so excited for you.
